Page name: The Backtable Group [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-08-12 04:22:09
Last author: risky
Owner: withWater
# of watchers: 36
D20: 8
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Being wild & pagan
Getting people to stare
Wearing in your face clothing
Being crazy
Taping things to the walls
[*Almost*] getting kicked out of the commons
Watching Monty Python & Moulin Rouge
Spontaneously reciting various lines from Online cartoons
Being into bondage and kinkiness in general
Having Dane(crazy guy who can jump over cars, and is not perverted [how is this possible?!?!?], did I mention he's our self-titled slave?)
Drinking Dane's BAWLS...
Having awesome music taste
Duct tape
lighting giant mushrooms on fire while everyone huddles around for warmth...mmmm...toasted giant mushroom
Punk/folk/goth/anime/stoners/everyother fucking group
Having alcohol *cough* [*I mean coffee*]
Blowing fire!
Skaning to skatastic music
Waging war against the school administration
Sneaking out at night
Plotting WORLD DOMINATION! (Froggy Edit: And plotting the BT party for the day the world ends!)
Riding in cars with boys
And girls too!



BT Members

BT Other Pics

The Backtable's Banners

BT Quotes

BT Quotes 2
BT Quotes 3
BT Quotes 4
BT Quotes 5
BT Quotes 6
BT Quotes 7
BT Quotes 8
BT Quotes 9
BT Quotes 10
BT Quotes 11
BT Quotes 12
BT Quotes 13

BT News

BT News '06

bt news '06 (2)

BT News '05

BT Prom 2006

BT Protection Banners

BT Names and Titles

BT Dictionary

The Never Ending BT Story

Little Yellow Guy

Lil' Hood

cyanide and happiness

Marta's Going Away Party

Spirit Week '06


Random BT Pics


This is Shannyn...

This is Avivah...

OK... Maybe this is Avivah...

...and this... is... SCARY...

This one can be uh... Marta!

sam's photobucket

funny videos and pictures

Henry and Giovanni (German III movie)

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2006-05-19 [Fear of the Soul]: wtf?

2006-05-19 [Master Of Duct Tape]: wait now im more confused

2006-05-19 [Fear of the Soul]: same

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: .... sam u werent suposed to hear that...

2006-05-19 [Fear of the Soul]: lol MWAHAHAHHAHAAAA

2006-05-19 [Master Of Duct Tape]: uh huh... i wasnt why? i dont really care anyway.

2006-05-19 [Fear of the Soul]: i dunno... ask them...

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: read the two comments of mind before the one that says sam wasnt suposed to hear that... if u still dont get it send me a message and ill explain it...

2006-05-19 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: ya get it...

2006-05-19 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: well do u...

2006-05-19 [Fear of the Soul]: i dunno, i just like typing lol

2006-05-19 [Fear of the Soul]: if you havent noticed

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: i noticed but i wanna know if u get it or if i have to tell u... or if u just dont really care...

2006-05-19 [Fear of the Soul]: can i buy a vowel?

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: how much for an O

2006-05-19 [Fear of the Soul]: 3075042057387460723760470687498673 point 3856983659325923589

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: Ill take the rapist for 300

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: thats THERAPIST

2006-05-19 [Fear of the Soul]: LOLOLOL

2006-05-19 [Nytefox]: HEY! that was MY joke earlier!

2006-05-19 [Fear of the Soul]: hhehehehheheee

2006-05-19 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hahahaha... whatever .  im so delirious right now i dont care about anything,  im not going to sleep tonight,

2006-05-19 [Fear of the Soul]: w00t!!!!

2006-05-19 [Nytefox]: I dont think anyone here is (at least me) ya, you wont be alone!

2006-05-19 [Master Of Duct Tape]: uh huh.. if you want to be excited about my misery.

2006-05-19 [Nytefox]: I mean no misery.....but I'm sorry to hear

2006-05-19 [Master Of Duct Tape]: nah its all good man, im just a little exhausted.

2006-05-19 [Nytefox]: I wont blame you for that one

2006-05-19 [Fear of the Soul]: w00t!!!

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: da9p8erw fa

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: aoifjqa

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: aopief jao

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: oapij fa

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: ai0 jie r ja g

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: iie

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: sefutei no baku tebuu desu

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: dafasdfa

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: dafadea

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: eafaw gfaerjn la

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: eagf [aeoijrva

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: o so bored

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: 0a98 aer

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: aer hja[ er

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: haxors tagibsid

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: waioefaji

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: aw et 98e

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: w408au3 0t

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: 4 a0[ug0qa

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: awerf 984w

2006-05-19 [Sandman666]: 09ae ugag

2006-05-19 [Master Of Duct Tape]: freakj

2006-05-19 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: and WEEEEEEEEEEEE!

2006-05-19 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: oh my god, i once saw a guy in a wheelchair and he went over a hill and he was like WEEE!!!!!


2006-05-19 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *bows head and smiles* when your a kid and you wanna go wee, but you aint got drugs yet. you hang on for your life...hold on to your little...gonads and strife. gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife. gonads in the lightning, IN THE LIGHTNING, in the rain.

2006-05-19 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *raises hands towards sky* behold the power of randomosity!!!! *feathered frogs rain down*

2006-05-19 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: hehehehehe *pants* hehehehe!

2006-05-19 [Nytefox]: who's going into who's pants? where? when? how long? how hard?

2006-05-19 [Master Of Duct Tape]: wooo hooo! i used to be oseessed with that video!!!  WEEEEEEE

2006-05-19 [Sweet Surrender]: which video?

2006-05-19 [Master Of Duct Tape]: weeee!   as;j asj aew WEEEEEEEE!

2006-05-19 [Sweet Surrender]: really, I havent seen it before.

2006-05-20 [Master Of Duct Tape]: ooh youre missin out.

2006-05-20 [Nytefox]: Indeed you are

2006-05-21 [Sweet Surrender]: *emu tear*

2006-05-21 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hahahahaha  emus make me laugh.

2006-05-21 [Master Of Duct Tape]: .. btw, we are so defeating the purpose of moving the group.

2006-05-21 [Sweet Surrender]: yeah, i'd say so...

2006-05-21 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: not at all.....see what is wished, nothing more. you all understand the purpose. and it is not defeated! now bow down before the awsome might of...NOODLE BOY! anal blisters, why do you forsake me so!?!?!?!

2006-05-21 [Nytefox]: SQUEE! It's JTHM!!!!! (huggles NNY)

2006-05-21 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hahahahaha

2006-05-21 [Sandman666]: should i just move all the shit back here...

2006-05-21 [Master Of Duct Tape]: i dont think theres really that much on here that anyone could get in that much trouble for anyway.

2006-05-21 [Sandman666]: so should i just move it all back...

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: yes. move it back. now, please. we're safe now.

2006-05-21 [Master Of Duct Tape]: as opposed to when we ... werent safe?? allrighty.

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: yeha...then...just get the stuff moved bacak here please.

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: wad up

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: hey all's this[lilman69313]] is my bud JP! say hey to him and play nice! (or at least play dirty enough to make it interesting!lol0

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: v ur funny as hell but crazy

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: i try i try! though most of us here are like that...

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: no u dont try u just do

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: point...point...but hey, do you really want me to change?!

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: naw y would any way just some one wanted u too

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: true...i wouldn't change for any one...

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: c

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: lol

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: haha

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: Purple Chicken!

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: no its blue chicken get it right lol

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: nu-uh! it's Purple!

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: ok w/e w/e i do wat i want

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: as do most of us...

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: true dat

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: lol

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: y isn't any one else talking ? its kinmd of boring talking to only one person its not a phone ppl

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: there's no one else on...

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: ooo i c

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: yeha...if you look at my relations list you can find the peeps of the BT...or you could look herebt members

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: idk what the hell to do with them

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: talk to friends with them?

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: i knew that lol

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: welll you can never be to sure....

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: true

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: hehe

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: wow im bored

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: ditto here...and i gtg soon, to eat/ be social....

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: lol thats going to be fun

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: ha! i'm out...*huggles!*

2006-05-21 [lilman69313]: peace

2006-05-21 [Syn's Desire]: out. *rolls out.*

2006-05-21 [Master Of Duct Tape]: haha v you're amazing.

2006-05-22 [Sandman666]: tiss all back...

2006-05-22 [Master Of Duct Tape]: w00t

2006-05-22 [lilman69313]: wad up

2006-05-22 [Just A Lost Pixie]: JP!!!!!!!! HI!!!!!!!!!!!!! *waves enthusiastically*

2006-05-22 [lilman69313]: hey pagie

2006-05-22 [Just A Lost Pixie]: ...very few people are allowed to call me Pagie. the I comes before the G

2006-05-22 [lilman69313]: opps srry

2006-05-22 [Vincent Stryke]: Pagie??

2006-05-22 [Just A Lost Pixie]: yeah?

2006-05-22 [Vincent Stryke]: O_o

2006-05-22 [Just A Lost Pixie]: my little cousins and my family call me that, and Drewbie the sequal

2006-05-22 [lilman69313]: paige what u doin

2006-05-22 [Just A Lost Pixie]: avoiding working on my history project

2006-05-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: ahhg!!!! what happended?!?!

2006-05-22 [Master Of Duct Tape]: it switcheded, geeze where have you been?

2006-05-22 [Syn's Desire]: glad this page is back to normal

2006-05-22 [Just A Lost Pixie]: i agree

2006-05-22 [Master Of Duct Tape]: i third that.

2006-05-22 [Syn's Desire]: it's i second that...else VHL'll bitch at you...

2006-05-22 [Master Of Duct Tape]: well paige would have "seconded it" and since i was the third.  well, dur

2006-05-22 [Just A Lost Pixie]: lol

2006-05-22 [Syn's Desire]: true...

2006-05-22 [Sweet Surrender]: hehe

2006-05-23 [Master Of Duct Tape]: muwahahaha i win.. of course :)

2006-05-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: jeez

2006-05-23 [Froggy526]: ok, now that we're in the clear, i'll be slowly putting my shit back, starting w/ my protection banner

2006-05-23 [insanity prawn boy]: VHL will bitch at her for breathing, just because she's using up too much oxygen, and being unfair to the rest of the civilization. you might as well give her something valid to bitch about.

2006-05-23 [Master Of Duct Tape]: oooooooookay. .... . . .. .. .. ... . . . .. . ... . .. . .

2006-05-24 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: sure.....................

2006-05-24 [Master Of Duct Tape]: heyyyy... can someone please fill me in on what the fuck is going on.  no one tells me anything!

2006-05-24 [Sandman666]: dont worry... im confuled also...

2006-05-24 [Master Of Duct Tape]: i doubt you are as confused as i am.. im tired of being left out of everything.

2006-05-25 [Sweet Surrender]: I think drew is mad at VHL but I don't know what this time...

2006-05-25 [Sandman666]: who is VHL

2006-05-25 [Sweet Surrender]: drew, please explain. I think she's alright but drew has other opinions...

2006-05-25 [Master Of Duct Tape]: no .. that is definetly not what i'm talking about...

2006-05-25 [Sweet Surrender]: I'm so confused, what are you talking about sam. I am commenting on what tammer said.

2006-05-25 [Master Of Duct Tape]: no, there was something going on and everyone was yelling, and i wnated to know what was going on.

2006-05-25 [Master Of Duct Tape]: um....  why is everyone dying?

2006-05-25 [Sandman666]: its a government conspericy to control the population

2006-05-25 [Master Of Duct Tape]: yup yup

2006-05-25 [Sandman666]: tell me that picture is of alex's mouth...

2006-05-25 [Just A Lost Pixie]: i think it is...

2006-05-26 [Nytefox]: it is......either that or of someone's tell me tammer....

2006-05-26 [Just A Lost Pixie]: ask Arti, she's the one who put it on here

2006-05-26 [artiFICIAL]: um guess is that my vajayjay or someones mouth?

2006-05-26 [Just A Lost Pixie]: i saw it in your house before you put it on here so i'm not gonna ruin the fun for everyone else

2006-05-26 [artiFICIAL]: haha thanks paige...

2006-05-26 [Master Of Duct Tape]: whyyy?...

2006-05-26 [Nytefox]: lol......we know the answer......I'm just not gonna ruin the fun either

2006-05-26 [artiFICIAL]: just cuuuuuuuuz

2006-05-26 [Sandman666]: i know what it is... because of two reasons... when yall are done guessing ill tell...

2006-05-26 [Master Of Duct Tape]: haha..okay.  i guess thats all the explanation i need

2006-05-26 [artiFICIAL]: shit tamer. you are not supposed to know more then other people!

2006-05-26 [Sandman666]: ok my name has 2 'm's in it... and i know more about a womans anatomy than my own... so get over it...

2006-05-26 [Just A Lost Pixie]: lol, is no one gonna say it??

2006-05-26 [Master Of Duct Tape]: ...scary

2006-05-26 [artiFICIAL]: BTW tamer said everyone at the BT would Fuck me. i personally think its bullshit. so we should pelt tammer with small sharp pebbles

2006-05-26 [artiFICIAL]: damn you tammer and w/e

2006-05-26 [Just A Lost Pixie]: lol

2006-05-26 [artiFICIAL]: ALL PELT TAMMER!

2006-05-26 [Sandman666]: hey... i said that all the guys + V, Marta, and probly Paige if she knew u... if ur gonna threaten to throw sharp pebbles at me at least get the accusation right...

2006-05-26 [Just A Lost Pixie]: *throws rock instead of pebble at Tammer* you don't know me don't go telling people what i would do!

2006-05-26 [Master Of Duct Tape]: pebbles?   come on, you can do better than that,.

2006-05-26 [artiFICIAL]: isnt that basically the entire BT or did you like recruite a cult while i was gone...p.s.i am technically still gone...

2006-05-26 [Nytefox]: (sits and watches and laughs histarically)

2006-05-26 [Sandman666]: sry... i forgot a word in there...

2006-05-26 [Sandman666]: there we go...

2006-05-26 [Sandman666]: and everyone on the bt members page is technically still part of the BT gone or not... and then we have some that arent even on ep...

2006-05-26 [artiFICIAL]: yay i guess. p.s. you can throw w/e you want as long as it hurts

2006-05-26 [Master Of Duct Tape]: man.. the bt has changed a hell of a lot in the last 5 years/

2006-05-26 [artiFICIAL]: 5 years. fuck that. it changed a shit load since the begining of the year!

2006-05-26 [Nytefox]: second that

2006-05-26 [artiFICIAL]: aldfghaeijvlakhd this convo is keeping me from doing my Honors paper for tomorrow...shit i am gonna fail that class.

2006-05-26 [Master Of Duct Tape]: well yah.. but you should have seen it back when me &v were there in 7th grade n shit.  there were people who were BT members, who i would never even consider talking to anymore. it was A LOT different back then. 

2006-05-26 [Sandman666]: third that... *feels pain from rock paige threw at me* oww... my arm... damn... o well...

2006-05-26 [Nytefox]: I dont wanna kno

2006-05-26 [artiFICIAL]: on the bright side. i love you ABBIE!

2006-05-26 [artiFICIAL]: </random moment of affection>

2006-05-26 [artiFICIAL]: ick.

2006-05-26 [Master Of Duct Tape]: yup. . . man  even the BT my freshman year was REALLY different.  man, the memories :p

2006-05-26 [artiFICIAL]: does anyone know eric pena?

2006-05-26 [artiFICIAL]: fine dont help me in my time of need...

2006-05-26 [Master Of Duct Tape]: uh.. no

2006-05-26 [Just A Lost Pixie]: no

2006-05-26 [Sandman666]: no...

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